Thursday, April 14, 2016

Chronicles of Cebu: Chasing Waterfalls

Who doesn't love the sight of waterfalls? It exudes beauty and power. In fact waterfalls are few of the lessons I can recall from my elementary Social and Civic classes haha. I remember being taught of Maria Cristina Falls and Pagsanjan Falls.  It was actually just last year that I got to see upclose my first waterfall and it was in the Khulen Mountains in Siem Reap. :)

This year I'm blessed to see two more in the Southern part of Cebu: Kawasan Falls and Tumalog Falls. I was so happy when I first saw the 3rd level of Kawasan Falls! It was just so refreshing to look at. Also the 2nd and 1st level ofcourse which are both majestic!

As for Tumalog Falls it was very enchanting, the flow of the water can be likened to a curtain. Locals said that the water used to be stronger and the effect is much more beautiful than what we saw.

I wanted to take a dip in the falls but the water was just freezing for me. But nonetheless I'm already contented being able to see it in person :) Hoping to go back to Cebu again soon for more adventures. This is actually one place I'd love to visit again because I know there's still so much to see!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

God works in mysterious ways

I'm still trying to understand and accept how something that seems so perfect can't just work out. I honestly thought that this was it. All the experiences I went through was to prepare me for this great thing. You know that good, confident feeling when you know that something's for you. That's what I felt. I was hopeful that everything was going to work out just well. True it did take time, tested my patience and faith, but in the end I got there. I can't believe that I was finally on the finish line. 

That is why right now, I just couldn't understand why it has to fall apart. Why it can't just work out. Sometimes I think that this may just be a test from God that if I pass He'll give it back to me :) I know that God can turn things around, a hopeless situation to a victorious one. I'll just have to faithfully trust in Him. I know that He knows best. It may not make sense now but in the right time I may get to know why. I know my God is good. He has always been. Looking back, God has made everything perfect for me. He has also made some of my dreams come true that is why I know He is good. I just have to remind myself of how God has been good to me and my family and since He doesn't change I can be assured that He's working something greater for me. I may have moments of doubt since I'm having a hard time to understand His plans but I would like to choose to trust in Him and continuing living in his love and goodness.